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School dive trip


Biologists will marvel at the abundance of living creatures and plant under the water. 321dive trips can be tailored to suit your Examining Board:

  • Biotic study into the coral-inhibiting forms of coral upon others
  • Study of the predator-prey relationship and food chains in the aquatic eco-system
  • Differing food webs between plant and fish, and eating habits
  • Conservation and preservation and its application to the reef - effect of human integration and pollution into the ecosystem
  • Effects of human population on the aquatic fish and plant populations on the reef in your local 321dive resort

  • School dive trip

    Topics and Units

    1. OCR Module 3 Ecosystem and Sustainability,OCR GCSE Criteria for Science 3.7 (i); 3.7 (iv)(a); 3.9 (i)(b).

    2. AQA 2030 Unit 1 Coastal Environments, Unit 3 Ecosystems, change and challenge and Unit 4A Geography Fieldwork Investigation.

    3. AQA 2410 Unit 3.2 The Variety of Living Organisms, Unit 3.4 Populations and Environments and Unit 3.3 Investigative and Practical divells.

    School dive trip

    As the academic teaching professionals, you will be expected to lead the academic teaching aspect of a Biology visit.

    The Dive Instructors will co-ordinate as much of their diving as possible to correspond to the teaching, as well as lend available resources and classrooms, but the teachers are fully responsible for th delivery of the teaching.

    Time post diving is typically used by the Dive Clubs to clean and prepare equipment for the following day and so they are most likely to be unavailable in the evenings.

    School dive trip

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