Did you know?
...are the only school trip tour operator with experience of leading these same trips as a teacher. Our Director has direct classroom experience and in his roles as EVC, Head of Department and Director of Sport has led numerous school trips (diving and skiing amongst others).
...only chooses resorts and Dive Clubs that satisfy safeguarding concerns. These resorts and Dive Clubs are scrutinised and risk assessed according to professional teaching standards.
...has Dive Clubs that are the most experienced as school dive trip providers. 321dive has been operating for years and we are emphaticaly loyal to our original Dive Clubs, building them up with schools every month.
Trip Planning Documents
...provide all trip planning documents. This includes letters, risk assessments, DVD material, posters...in fact anything we found useful in marketing the trip when we do so as teachers ourselves. Why re-invent the wheel?
...provides school trip leaders with an online portal so that you can check your booking details and download documents wherever you are.
...uses only 'tried and tested' documents that are available for you to cut and paste at will. 321dive hopes that this freed up time will restore some of your work/life balance!
...insist instructors stick to their small group for the duration of the course as this intentionally forges the trust and individualised teaching a pupil may need.
...provides a remedial instructor should any pupil fall behind. This fast tracks the candidate to the same level of their peers before returning them to their group.
...recognises success is at the individual pupil's pace.
Peace of MInd
...holds 321dive ATOL 10431 for total financial protection.
...holds ABTA Y5223. Book with Confidence!
...holds £5 million Public Liability and Professional Liability Insurance.
...in short...
..is tried and tested.